Digestion and Nutrition
Digestion is the process of taking food and nutrients into the body and making them available for use in all of the body's
The digestive system breaks down food and extracts the important nutrients, eliminating the excess substances that cannot be used. These nutrients provide energy for the body to grow, function, and make repairs to
"Digestion and Nutrition" describes the path that food takes through the system, the organs involved, and how the body uses different types of nutrients, while highlighting the importance of healthy eating and the problems and diseases that can affect the digestive tract.
A cura della Redazione Scientifica di SIAECM
Aurelio Cannatà |
Titolo: Digestion and Nutrition
Autore: Robert Sullivan
Anno di pubblicazione: 2009
Codice ISBN - 10 : 160-413-367-8 |
Prezzo: £29.95
Editore: Chelsea House Publisher
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